If ping is a wand , what spell you will cast only depends on you.
The distance between Yangon and Pennsylvania, USA is 13,594.87 km. For light to travel from Yangon to Pennsylvania and back from Pennsylvania to Yangon would take about 68 milliseconds.
But, when we ping our isecom web server hosted in Pennsylvania, we've the average time 269.488 milliseconds which is go and back round-trip-time.
So we notice that ping is slower than the speed of light. Yes, it should be slower , because:
- The actual traveling route will not be straight line, there may have to be zig-zagging through such geometrical places as sea, ocean, mountains and so on.
- There are not only fiber optics connections between clients and servers. There are also switches, routers, servers, repeaters, copper cable, UTP/STP cables and so on and those cause the transfer speeds slower.
- And also choosing the route depends on the location of the co-operated organization's servers which are used to get to the destination server.
We can identify to estimate if the distance between us and a destination is near of far, using "ping" that way.
What I wanted to point out is, the ping tool is not such a less tool. We can use it wisely as much as we understand how things works behind the scenes. The more we understand the nature of a tool , the more powerful we are with the tool.
Remember tools are just wands, what spell will you cast only depends on you.
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